Friday, October 29, 2010

Temple Bliss................

The last two days I have spent more time on the back of a motor bike than I have in my entire life up until now.....

The last two mornings I had the privilege of being in these temples......long before the tourists arrived.......

Goa Gajeh, The Temple of the Elephant Cave

Tirta Empul, The Temple of the Holy Spring

They were my Secret Gardens for those mornings.....

And in the afternoon yesterday.............I was taken for a 4 hour tour (sounds like the Professor and Mary Ann) guide Nyoman and Me...........on motorbike...........

To see rice fields, a volcano, a coffee farm and an ancient temple............the afternoon ride was fun......but the sights were more touristy than I fancy...........I'm sad to admit, taking the time to upload those photos is a reminder of that I don't want to relive at this moment.

And it has me wondering about the three words every Balinese person can speak......"Where you from?" usually asked by someone trying to aggressively sell you something, or just as a greeting though the answer has some meaning.......and the second most disturbing question to me, often asked.........."are you traveling alone?"  "Are you kidding?!" I think.  "NO", I reply.........."I'm meeting friends".........I say a little too exasperated.  It's hard to fly under the radar answering that question honestly.

I say all that knowing it is how these people make a living and somehow they learned it is good and acceptable behavior..........It just does not feel good being on the receiving end of it.  Understatement.

Also, I want to thank all those who asked if I was OK given the natural disasters happening in this part of the world............Of those locals I've consulted.........we are no where near.........all good here............

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear your most danger has been a 4 hour motorbike ride!! Enjoy all....
